“It has been a pleasure and a challenge to take on the role of Safe Haven Country Director in early 2014. As an organization, we have grown and matured, with clearer-than-ever goals for children and families and more collaborative and coordinated strategies for meeting those goals. Staff skills continue to develop in their areas of concentration, such as social work and physiotherapy, and we have also focused on expanding their skills in the areas of child development, communication, and understanding of early intervention. I am immensely proud of Safe Haven’s development as an organization, and staff’s dedication to the families we serve.
I know that many children have now had medical care and intervention (including surgery) who would not have without Safe Haven’s help. More families have access to clean drinking water – which is such a basic need in terms of preventing many illnesses. More children have seen a doctor and/or dentist, are taking medications safely and appropriately, are getting vitamins and supplemental nutrition; more parents understand their child’s health problems, and more families are using toothbrushes. Maybe just as importantly, more families are no longer alone and feeling helpless about their child’s medical condition, as they know that Safe Haven is their ally and advocate in getting the best possible care for their children.”