Heather E. Connell

Founder/Executive Director

“In 2009, I met a remarkable little boy named Sumnamg while working on a media project in Siem Reap. Sumnamg had Cerebral Palsy and was confined to a bed, unable to move on his own or communicate his needs. The idea for Safe Haven was inspired by my relationship with Sumnamg and a desire to be able to provide him access to the medical and therapeutic resources he needed to improve his quality of life. I’m so thankful for my dedicated staff who have worked to help build Safe Haven Medical Outreach from the ground up.”

Jessica Whitney

Country Director

“It has been a pleasure and a challenge to take on the role of Safe Haven Country Director in early 2014. As an organization, we have grown and matured, with clearer-than-ever goals for children and families and more collaborative and coordinated strategies for meeting those goals. Staff skills continue to develop in their areas of concentration, such as social work and physiotherapy, and we have also focused on expanding their skills in the areas of child development, communication, and understanding of early intervention. I am immensely proud of Safe Haven’s development as an organization, and staff’s dedication to the families we serve.”

Chon Leakna

Deputy Director

“I studied to be a nurse and midwife, and after I graduated, I worked as a school nurse in a preschool and primary school for two years. I came to work at Safe Haven because I’m ready for a new experience.
My job with children with disabilities is very interesting to me because it is my first time to do this kind of work and I am learning a lot about disabilities. I will use all my experience and knowledge to help these children and their families to be healthy. I will educate them about health and hygiene because I believe that education is the key to change.”

Kathy Clark

Pediatric Physiotherapist

“It was love at first sight with Safe Haven- the staff, their work, their compassion. I am an American pediatric physiotherapist with 30 years of experience and from the beginning, it was clear that Safe Haven was providing best practice in physical therapy- services that are family centered, functional and meaningful to the child, with strong communication, collaboration and planning- and the success and progress is evident.”

Rebecca Crockett

Physiotherapy Trainer/IECD Project Manager

“Striving to consider disability holistically, I studied physical therapy and public health at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. When I graduated in 2016, I started working with children in a multidisciplinary clinic where I learned even more about the social importance of adaptive play and parental support. Now at Safe Haven, I can visit our families in their homes—even if they’re 4 hours away—alongside teammates who specialize not only in rehab therapy but also medical care and family support. Every day we passionately work together making the most of limited resources to provide family-centered care.”

Luy Sopheary


“My name is Sopheary and I am working for Safe Haven as Interventionist. I really like and so happy to do that because my job is amazing, my work teach me how to help them with physical therapy and occupational therapy and I can see our children progress and see the happiness in their family. It’s a great job that I can help children with disabilities in my country to encourage them and tell them that I love them, they’re not alone anymore.
I don’t have money or other things to donate to my organization, but I can donate my hard work, my love, my heart. I want to help them improve the future of children.
I love my work so much and I hope can work for Safe Haven for long time.”

Veng Pich Bopha

Office Manager

“My name is Bopha, my dream is to do something to help the people. I worked as a Cashier and Service for the hotel and restaurant for 7 years. I started to feel that my work is just for work it didn’t make me feel giving help to the people. Thanks to Safe Haven Organization that offer me a chance to work. I help the operation of the organization financial, documents of the organization involved with the government law and all of the documents for Safe Haven operation. I have learned a lot from my team to support and provide help to disability children and family. Seeing those people smile by our activity is what makes me so proud. I will use all of my knowledge and skill to educate people to understand that Love and Sharing is a really important part of life.”

Meak Srey

Physical Therapist

“Working with children can follow what you want them to do and helping them to learn new things is good but what about children with disabilities? How can we help them to enjoy their life?
Being able to help these kids is way exciting. As a brand new physiotherapist who just graduated from school, I’ve learnt a lot while working at Safe Haven as a physiotherapist. I love to see Safe Haven kids enjoy their life like other kids. It’s heartwarming. I loved to see their smiles.”

Say Chamreoun


“Safe Haven is my first job. I graduated with degree Faculty of Public Health major in Nursing at Angkor University. I was an intern at Siem Reap Provincial Hospital. I also interned at Handicap International where I focused on Mother and Child health. I want to help parents look after and understand their children with disabilities, provide care, and good hygiene. I really love my position as a nurse and I expect to work for Safe Haven for a long time.”

Mao Sopheaktra

Social Worker

“My name Sopheaktra, I graduated from Build Bright University Major Law and Societies. My experience includes work for these CWPD working on HIV/AID.  I continued to learn about and work in Child Protection with Friends-International Kaliyan Mith Program Siem Reap. I have been happy to work with vulnerable street children and marginalized youth to help them to be functional and productive. In 2018 I worked as a social worker at Terre Des Hommes Netherlands working with children victims of sexual exploitation. In 2021 I had the opportunity to join Safe Haven as a social worker. I am very happy to be a part of the amazing team in Safe Haven, the team provides me a lot of knowledge and experience about children with disabilities and I can also share my experience.”

Kate Arkwright

Development Director

“Over the course of more than ten years as a teacher in Australia, I dedicated myself to mentorship, fostering positive pedagogical relationships, and curriculum differentiation. My goal was always to help all students meet their individual needs. For a short break, I came to Cambodia for a three-month volunteer program at a well-respected NGO to work with families who once lived on the streets of Siem Reap. What was supposed to be a short stint turned into 12 years and still counting! During my time in Siem Reap, I have developed a deep love for the Cambodian people and culture. After years of working alongside Safe Haven in my previous role, I am now excited to work with the whole Safe Haven team as an IECD Teacher and Development Director, continuing my passion for supporting children and families in this beautiful country.”


Mean Borany


“My name is Rany and I am graduated from Build Bright University (BBU) in Siem Reap city in 2017 of Business Administration degree. I worked for another non-profit for 5 years as an English Teacher.
In 2019, I began working for Safe Haven as Interventionist. I really like my job and I’m very happy because my job is really amazing, I like helping parents to better care and understand about their children with disabilities. I help to provide and educate parents with play therapy and skills for taking care of their children. I really love my position as a Junior Interventionist and I expect to work for Safe Haven for a long time.”

Meas Kosin

Physiotherapy Assistant

“My name is Kosin. I am 28 years old and I started working for Safe Haven as a Disability tuk tuk driver in 2019, I love to be able to help a lot of children with disabilities. I was trained and promoted to Physiotherapy Assistant in November of 2020. I really love this position because I can grow in my knowledge and ability working with Safe Haven’s Leadership and PT Teams.”

Hean Sreythea

Social Worker

“My name is Sreythea, I have over 10 years’ experience in social work from several different NGOs in Cambodia. I enjoy working with children and their families to support and strengthen those who are in need of social services.  As a part of multi-disciplinary team at Safe Haven we have to make sure children are protected and meet their daily needs by supporting the family. I love this job very much because it fits my dream since I was young to help and support vulnerable children and their families in the community.”

Buth Vireak

Social Worker

“My name is Vireak I have work 17 years experience in social worker work several Difference NGOs in Cambodia, I came from a poor family and i want to help children living in the same conditions. Poverty is not a crime but leads many issue such as sexual abuse for me as a social worker is trying to give the poorest children the same opportunity that other children enjoy. it can be in terms of access to education but also shelter and food for example. since 2007, I have been working with the poorest families, street children and children victim or violence abuse or neglected social services. As a part of multi-disciplinary team at Safe Haven we have to make sure children are protected and meet their daily needs by supporting the family. I love this job very much because it fits my dream since I was young to help and support vulnerable children and their families in the community.”

Try Somony

Social Worker

“My name is Somony. I graduated from the University of Battambang (UBB) in 2012 with a degree in Business Administration. I worked as a social worker for 13 years with three different NGOs in Cambodia. I am very proud to be a social worker with Safe Haven Organization. Many children with disabilities in Cambodia are facing problem and need special support. So on,this is the reason that i interested to work in this position. I think my experience and knowledge can make all of children with disability are joinable of the the activity in family , community and society. “‘One of my goal is children with disabilities can get reasonable service like other children such as education, social development and best care from parents.”

headshot of Chhoum Naren

Chhoum Naren


“It was not until I did my internship at Kantha Bopha in Phnom Penh that I realized how important it is for children to have access to adequate medical care in Cambodia. When I see their smiles, it makes everything worthwhile and warms my heart. After I graduated, I found my place at Safe Haven. I’m grateful to be part of Safe Haven’s mission to improve the quality of life for children with disabilities. Oftentimes this group of population is rarely a topic discussed daily, but they deserve to have more attention. My commitment is to provide primary care to children with disabilities and spread more positive knowledge to reduce the stigma about them. I’m so privileged to be part of their recovering journey.”

Kheang Kimkhoun

Physical Therapist

“My name is Kimkhoun. After I graduated from University as a Physiotherapist, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. I am now working for Safe Haven and it’s an honor for me that I have a chance to work with children with disabilities. I feel pleased to be able to work with these kids. It is really helping me understand more about them and what we can provide for them and involving their parents in their therapy puts a smifaces. I do, however, enjoy seeing them enjoy what they are doing and they are capable of doing in their environment.”

Soun Sreyneang


“My name is Sreyneang. I graduated from my Bachelor of Science ,Nursing from the University of Puthisastra, Phenom Penh, Cambodia in 2016. I have more than 5 years of extensive experience in health promotion and Clinical nursing. I decided to work for Safe haven because i want to help others less fortunate to live better lives. I am so proud to be a Nurse in Cambodia that can work within the community to improve lives !! My job with Safe Haven is primarily working with disabled children and their families. I find it really interesting and I am learning a lot about different disabilities. I try my hardest to be an informative, ethical, honest and professional nurse. One of my favorites quotes is : ” Save one life you’re a hero. Save a hundred lives and you’re a nurse.”

IECD Program Staff

In 2021, Safe Haven joined the USAID Integrated Early Childhood Development (IECD) project. Recognized as a leader in providing quality care for children with disabilities in Cambodia, Safe Haven was asked to train Interventionists to provide much-needed services in two provinces, where there are no other known services for children with disabilities. After a full year of intensive training with our current staff in Siem Reap, these Interventionists will move to Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear to support families in developing their children’s fine motor, social, and language skills.

Chet Leakhena


“I am proud and pleased to work with Safe Haven. Especially for a team rich in professional and specialized staff who are willing to work with children with disabilities. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I have attended many training courses and learned about volunteering at various organizations. It’s so exciting that I had the opportunity to work as an Interventionist in the IECD project. I will do my best to work with children by my head hand and heart.”

Net Vibol


“My Net Vibol I hold the Bachelor Degree of Computer science. I came to work at Safe Haven because it was a dream when I was young to help children with disability to improve living and eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities in the community. It’s a great job that I can help children and encourage them. I hope the experience will make me help improve the future of children.”

Sab Muot


“My name is Sab Muot. I am so happy because my job is good for me, my work teaches me how to help children with physical therapy and occupational therapy and I can see our children progress and see the happiness in their families. It’s a great job that I can help children with disabilities in my country to encourage them, they’re not alone anymore. I don’t have money or other things to donate to my organization, but I can donate my hard work, my love, and my heart. I want to help clients and development improve the future of children’s disabilities. I love this work so much and I hope can work for Safe Haven for a long time.”

Chhang Chheav


“My name is Chheav. I come from Siem Reap, Cambodia. I really love the children. In 2017, During my high school I am a volunteer teacher for kids in kindergarten level for another NGOs 3 years as an English teacher. now I really happy that I works as a interventionist at safe haven. It’s first time for me with children with disability. Thanks Safe Haven that give me for this chances I love my job because it’s give me new education, experience and teach me how to teaches parents about their child’s development and provides fun activities to help children improve their skill. I really love with this position and I hope can work for Safe Haven for long time. Thank you!”

Lanh Sophay


“My oldest son was the client of the safe Haven with Speech delay and once of the interventionist staff helped me to work out with him and now he can join the school, speaks most of the words, goes to the school and playing with other kids . now a day I am so blessed that I can be a part of the safe haven team to work with kids in Siem Reap. When ever I go to the field and see the kids laughing and enjoy the playing with the toys, my heart is crying and I am so happy that they can get the opportunity to learn, play and develop themselves with help from care giver. I am so proud that they can gain strength and overcome their weakness and they even can do more than I and other people think.”


Norn Sophat

Admin Assistant

“I graduated from the University of South-East Asian (USEA) in Siem Reap city in 2020 with a Banking and Financing degree. In my heart I had a dream. My dream was to have a job that can help the people in my country. I would like to say a million thanks to Safe Haven that offers me a chance to work here. I love my job so much, because I can help the people that really need to help and this job is giving me a lot of experience and knowledge.”

Loeurt Lomor

Accessibility Driver

“My name is Loeurt Lomor, I was born in Kralanh district, Siem Reap province. I used to work as a mechanic and in tourism. I worked in tourism for almost 14 years to support my family and my parents. I feel lucky that I can work at Safe Haven as our driver. I am interested in helping children with disabilities because I can help our community.”

Chrech Samnang

Accessibility Driver

“My name is Samnang. I am so happy to be a driver for Safe Haven. I learn a lot about children with difficulties. To be able to help the community with safe transportation makes me feel lucky and proud.”

headshot of Kouet Yan

Kouet Yan


“My name is Kouet Yan. I have worked for Safe Haven since 2018 as a cleaner. I am very happy to work here because I have the job as I like and all of the team work are very friendly and so kind. Seeing all of the Safe Haven team member support and help those children with disabilities that make me very happy. Safe Haven has provided me a lot of training related to activities and personal skill of living. Safe Haven is very kind to me. I really love to work at Safe Haven because I can clean things and look after the children sometimes which is the job I really like to do.”

headshot of Moeung Sorn

Moeung Sorn

Child Care

“Hello, my name is Sorn. I like to hang out and sing a song in my free time. I work at Safe Haven as a Childcare. I love to work at Safe Haven because I like children and look after them. I would like to thank Safe Haven for allowing me to work with you here, especially with a warm family.”

Headshot of Pho Pheap

Pho Pheap

General Assistant

“My name is Pheap. I was born in Ta Ros Village, Krabei Riel commune, Siem Reap Province. Before, I was a volunteer at Angkor Hospital For Children. After that, I came to Safe Have as a volunteer for six months. Then, I came back to volunteer at AHC again for three months. When I finished at AHC I came back to Safe Haven working as a General Assistant in 2023. I felt delighted when I returned because they had kids to play with. Why do I say that? Because I am a person who loves playing with children. I would like to say thank you to Safe Haven for allowing me to work there. I am interested when I help and play with children. I feel so proud of myself when I work for Safe Haven. Thank you.”

Headshot of Non Nann

Non Nann


“Hello, my name is Non Nann. I live in Brasat Bakong district and Siem Reap province. I work here as a cleaner. I love to work at Safe Haven because I have a job I like and all of the members and my bosses are very friendly and kind. I would like to say thank you so much for allowing me to work there.”